Apple is rumoured to be unveiling the iPad mini at a press event later this month, but what does the new device look like? A 9to5Mac researcher today posted the latest round of "leaked" photos of the fabled smaller Apple tablet, which appear to confirm many of the iPad mini rumours making the rounds.

With little fanfare, 9to5Mac researcher Sonny Dickson today posted several photos on his Twitter feed of the iPad mini next to the existing iPad and the iPhone 5. On the blog, 9to5Mac posted "some more iPad mini mockups" and then urged users to check out Dickson's images, which are "alleged leaked photos of the iPad mini." So it appears that the first nine photos on 9to5Mac are mockups, while the remaining five images - labeled "sonny" in the slideshow - are leaked photos of the actual device.
At any rate, Dickson's images show the iPad mini atop an existing iPad, which shows off the newer tablet's smaller size - rumoured to be 7.85 inches. The iPad mini also includes the smaller dock connector that was just added to the iPad mini, and a rear-facing camera. There are no pictures of the front of the iPad mini or with the device turned on. ipad mini cases will be available from the casebuddy website.