Once you’ve found your new wallpaper and saved it to your iPhone X, you still need to set your new wallpaper. To do that, just launch the Photos app and select the image you created or downloaded. Then hit ‘Share’ and tap on ‘Use as Wallpaper.’ When you see the option to choose ‘Still’ or ‘Perspective,’ pick ‘Still’ so that the bezels line up. Then just hit ‘Set’ and you’ll be asked if you want to use it as your home screen, lock screen or both.
Congrats, now you can pretend the iPhone X notch doesn’t exist—at least when you’re looking at the home screen or lock screen. This won’t work for individual apps, though hopefully we’ll see more and more developers find ways to make that bezel a little less noticeable.
How To Set Up Your New Wallpaper with iPhone X